Soda's Close Shave

By Soda Inc. - Kai Man Yuen

Soda's Close Shave: supporting cancer warriors

Recently, one of our Soda team members, Kate, was diagnosed with cancer. It came as a shock to everyone and has been difficult to watch someone we care about go through a tough time. We wanted to do whatever we could to show our support. 

Kate's awesome teammate, Kai Man, stepped up to the task and decided to shave his head for a cause. We think this is pretty special - it means Kate gets to go through the hair loss journey with someone else AND we can raise funds for an amazing cause at the same time.

We've chosen to support the work of Look Good Feel Better.

Look Good Feel Better provides free nationwide programmes for cancer patients. They support any person, facing any cancer, at any time. Their programmes help with the impact of cancer, providing practical, tangible tips, techniques and tools to help face cancer with more connection, control, confidence and a sense of community.

This allows people like Kate to continue to live their life on their terms and maintain some sense of normality. For Kate, this means continuing to show up to work or social events and being able to feel confident with no hair on her head. 

We'd love others to feel this same confidence, so we're hosting our 'Soda's Close Shave' fundraiser to raise money for Look Good Feel Better. Please help us help them by giving whatever you can using the Donate button.

The more people that know about Look Good Feel Better, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family. Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

The Soda team

Thank you to my Sponsors


Soda In


Erin Wansbrough


Celine Kearney

Warmest wishes for strength and healing for Kate and all the people who surround her and love her and support her, like Kai Man.


Mike Bennett

💪🏽 Go Kate / Go Kai 💪🏽






Hayley Mclarin

Thanks for supporting Kate - and LGFB!


Vanessa Williams

Awesome Kai-Man and all the best Kate!


Tsz Ying Yuen



Amazing Kai Man!




Emma Campbell




Secret Kiwi Kitchen

Good on you for supporting Kate. Give her our regards- sending prayers for health


Jenni Matheson


Jacquie Udyavar





Thank you Kai Man for supporting Kate




Kieran Gardiner